As doctors do use “mobile” devices now dominantly to get their information about new developments, the industry needs to adapt their way of informing their clients. Edetailing for the health industry is the norm, not a futuristic issue any more. Edetailing is not just about presenting information. It should also direct the industry’s ways of interaction with its clients. And, more so, to acknowledge that the end goal lies not just in using drugs or devices, but in improving care. That triggers fundamental change of how the industry needs to relate with its customers.
Customer Focus in Pharma: the new commercial model 2/2.
Following up the presentation of our project with a pharma company in the Netherlands on How Pharma can enhance its impact and reduce costs of marketing, we present our chalkboard sketch to construe a new commercial model for a pharmaceutical market approach: an approach that would guide the decision makers in the company to construe the right set of activities to focus on accounts with the best chances of success, engage with its decision makers on drug prescription effectively and provide added value to their medicines so as to help care providers to help their patients better.