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Question marks all over for pharma

Well, haven’t we been treated with disruptions in health for the past 10 years? Disruptions like those that would change our healthcare systems and delivery routines fundamentally?
If we would look into the future, yes, several developments and predominantly tech ones would take care to make healthcare loose its footings and would instantly change for the better.
See some examples here of such future disruptions by “The Medical Futurist” (TMF). You might also like to have a view at the TMF Magazine for these. But still we have been seeing some come through like how ehealth applications are making headway to implementation.

Still more: there are developments in all perspectives on healthcare which address shortcomings in the health system itself. For example: large differences between state wise systems and parallel commercial provision of care, organisational related issues like lack of professionals, few or small actions of cooperation between different health institutes, and, not least, large problems with financing of growing volumes of cure and care. Every country its own problems. Rise of threats too by upcoming diseases like the impact of the pandemic and from other outbreaks on our health conditions. See also the general WHO report and/or their specific warning: “Nearly 1.8 billion adults at risk of disease from not doing enough physical activity“.

A redesign of healthcare system is necessary – but how should it be done?

These developments inspired me to conduct a study about the origin and the development of medication and healthcare systems, starting from the 18th century, how these characteristics of health systems and medication came about and what implications do they still have on the effectiveness of provision of healthcare?

By now I did this study and I’m finishing the report. Doing so, I came to surprising insights, like how these characteristics still influence the architecture of current health systems.
I came to the point to reflect the term of “medication model“: so often used, but only slightly described. Even so, the term of ” a complex health condition” and the approach of “multidisciplinary care” in healthcare provision. All three are starting points to envision new and redefined health systems, as wel as new conditions to the position of the pharmaceutical business and pharmacists.

And: What changes are relevant to the future effectiveness of the pharmaceutical and health industrial businesses?

The global markets developments challenge the position of the pharmaceutical human businesses with different demands, like ways of pricing, patient orientation and ESG (environment, sustainability, and governance) to name a few. Some of these are kind of developments to which the industry has the competence to adapt easily, as history has witnessed.
What is new is the fact that the industry finds itself in an accumulation of characteristics acquired in its development since its origine. It has brought the industry in the current beneficial shape, its volume and routines of doing business.
But that is up to now.
The clarity and diversity of the actual strategic developments and innovations impact the development and changes in the system and the way of providing care.
What do these mean for the strategic position of the different pharmaceutical companies?
It’s time to reflect and review the business in the coming years to 2040.

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