As doctors do use “mobile” devices now dominantly to get their information about new developments, the industry needs to adapt their way of informing their clients. Edetailing for the health industry is the norm, not a futuristic issue any more. Edetailing is not just about presenting information. It should also direct the industry’s ways of interaction with its clients. And, more so, to acknowledge that the end goal lies not just in using drugs or devices, but in improving care. That triggers fundamental change of how the industry needs to relate with its customers.
Exciting news! Slideshare most viewed content in 2013.
Read MoreIntegration should be the trend of health care development 2014
As cost and outcomes of care are duly becoming the main reference points for quality of care, it is important that immanent fragmentation or even chaos in care paths is prevented. Integration should therefore be the relevant trend in health care development 2014. Here we explain three increasing modi of integration in care: co-operation, co-creation and experience co-creation.
Health Care Trends 2014
Health care trend of trends 2014?
What have been named as trends in health care development for 2014?
Reviewing several blogs, these I came to mention:
1. Financial concerns;
2. Patient empowerment;
3. Connected health, eHealth;
4. Redefining the health industry and
5. Data security.
Is that what it is? No, we should look at what “the” trend in health care development should be. See for that part 2.
Russian Pharmaceutical Phorum – Change of view for the industry
Russian Conditions to the health care market – How could the industry adapt?
This spring, I was as lucky to be invited to the Russian Pharmaceutical Phorum, May 23rd, in St. Petersburg.
As there is a lot to develop in the Russian health care system, there are lots of opportunities how the health industry might help out. However, they need to change their view on approach of the market from sales to partner in care. Russian markets, however still growing, will be careful in spending money. And, when you only sell medicine, your business coincides with the price of your product. But when you work together with stakeholders to care for patients you might be a collaborator and your value will go beyond your product’s price.